Posts tagged tennis holiday
Adult Tennis Holiday: Gift yourself noticeable improvement in Mallorca

When you picked up tennis you quickly learned it had its challenges and perks. At the risk of sounding clever, you likely skipped past foundational steps that inhibit your growth. You can’t learn what you weren’t taught. Finding the time to apply what you’ve learned is difficult for most adults. It’s why I enjoy Directing adult tennis holidays in Mallorca, Spain. The pace of the island is perfect for learning & enjoying.

Adult players don’t have the time juniors do to drill down & tweak that part of our game that makes us mental. Often, that standing tennis time at home gets sidetracked by other responsibilities. And before you know it, it’s weeks since you’ve played. What´s started out as an annoyance, is now totally in your head and you need help.

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Adult Tennis Camps: Gaining Clarity in Your Game

I've been teaching solely international adults since 2012. I’ve yet to meet an adult tennis player who didn't want to improve their tennis game. I don´t care whether you play at public courts or private clubs. Adult tennis players who’ve caught the tennis bug, want to improve. It’s having the time to do it that puts them on pause.

What I’ve found over the years, is how many adults need more clarity around their singles or doubles games. They’re always wanting more confidence. But by the weeks end, with deeper clarity of the tennis court, court positioning, where to be & why to hit certain shots. Your confidence automatically gets a charge!

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