Posts tagged tennis strings
Tennis Strings: Beginners, have you popped yours yet? A beginner's guide to tennis strings

When I put myself in the shoes of a beginner tennis player my head spins. There’s a lot to break down, including the tennis strings in your racket. From how to play tennis to the gear involved, it’s impossible to keep things simple when you compare yourself to your favorite touring pro. While you may want to know what they play with or how they hit the ball, it’s overkill in the beginning and leads to frustration. Gear overwhelm will lead you into a financial mistake. If you’re learning to drive, do you need a Ferrari? Same idea. Keep tennis strings, simple. In this post I speak to tennis coach, Mark Sansait. Mark’s transparent & over the moon on his YouTube channel about tennis strings. Together we keep you aware of only what you need to know at the beginner stages around tennis strings. You’ll learn the basic lingo, find some great string options, and how to ultimately save money replacing your tennis strings. It’s a big deal to pop your 1st set of strings! A real badge of honor for a tennis player. From there it gets annoying & expensive if you’re not careful.

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